Monday, June 25, 2007

Antony goes to Iran

The peripatetic Antony Lowenstein has turned up talking in the Guardian about a recent visit in Iran.

To paraphrase that line from Grapes of Wrath:"where ever there are peoples who hate Jews, he'll be there."

Actually, I have to begrudgingly say that most of the column is an interesting read, concentrating as it does on the difference between private views and the "official" views expressed in Iran, and the fierce form of censorship that exists there. (I found it particularly interesting that he claims that "many people" told him that they don't want America to leave Iraq yet, because of the chaos it would cause.)

However, Antony can't help himself and goes mad in the very last two sentences. They go like this:
Iranians may be the most hospitable people in the world, and yet any American or Israeli attack against the country's nuclear facilities would be met with even-greater repression at home and rallying around the conservative leadership.
Um, fair enough point. I am thinking "Antony, you have written a piece in which I can't find much to object to at all." But then, out of the blue, comes this last sentence:
For many westerners, the concept of Islam at the heart of a prosperous nation is too much to bear. It's a sad indictment of many post 9/11 mindsets.
What?? The rest of the column has said nothing about the "prosperity" of Iran. In fact, this last sentence seems to have absolutely nothing to do with what has preceded it. It's like he just can't control his fingers from typing out commentary without fitting in some criticism, no matter how off the wall, of westerners for being "anti-Islamic".

You only have to go a few posts down in the comments section to see someone who challenges his "prosperous nation" comment, which is pretty good considering this is the Guardian after all.

Congratulations Antony, your goose-dom is saved by your last sentence!


Caz said...

*Yawn* - can't imagine why I would begrudge prosperity of an Islamic country, or wish poverty upon their houses.

By all "expert" accounts, we'd have a few less terrorists and suicide bombers if the whole of the Middle East was awash with wealth.

(Hm, yeah, try telling that the comfortably off Western raised and eductated suicide bombers.)

Anyway, totally off topic Steve: Drunka has a mountain of photos on his most recent blog post, of a "real life" Michael Moore (over in Denver promoting his "Sicko" film), and you're right, he's HUGE. Claims to have lost 30 pounds, so he must have been a heck of a lot bigger. Definitely still has a very long way to go.

Drunka even managed to get into the closed press conference by admitting to be a lone blogger. Isn't that cute? :-D

(The Drunkablog is on my links, if you have time to have a look - Drunka is "jgm", John - Denver.)

Steve said...

Hehe, I notice he is wearing slimming black.I would like to see him in a white tank top, for the full effect.

Caz said...

Steve - you are cruel.
