Wednesday, January 30, 2008

The therapist wins

Modern Japanese women: dealing with sex, lies and the dried-flower syndrome

This is a review of a book painting a very depressing picture of life, particularly the sex life, of modern Japanese women.

That many Japanese women often put up with their husband's infidelity and endure a sexless marriage is nothing new. I suspect that the longer working hours, the drinking with co-workers until late in the evening, and the expectation that husbands will take unaccompanied posts in other towns to further their career, all work to encourages affairs.

But here is something that I had not heard before:
Finding the right lover is not so easy, but we learn that at leastwomen can avail themselves of a clinic that offers them intimate encounters with sex volunteers. Women can select their volunteers from a catalog brimming with intimate details, and, yes, size does seem to matter. The clients say they are grateful for the service while there appears to be no shortage of male volunteers; money isn't everything.....
OK, in the West you occasionally hear of women who are unpaid "hands on" sex therapists for men, but can't say that I have ever heard of the service being provided for women. Back to the review:
So what's life like as a male sex volunteer helping women reach orgasm? Ironically, Hideo has a sexless marriage, but finds psychological fulfillment in helping sufferers of "dried-flower syndrome." He says the women are grateful and tell him that the sex rejuvenates them.
Well, he would say that, wouldn't he?
Another interview subject admits that she slept with seven "volunteers" in six months because she could not find love, but still wanted sex. It's her hope, however, "to graduate from being someone who can only relate to men through sex."
Hmm. Ceasing to avail herself of the services of that clinic might be a good place to start.

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