Thursday, April 17, 2008

Three words

PM's 2020 pledge for every child | The Australian

So this is Rudd's great idea for 2020 Australia? Expensive, unnecessary, and lame.

At least someone at the Sydney Institute called it right:
Barclays Capital chief executive Nicholas Johnson, who in moving a vote of thanks said: "I thought he was meant to be an economic conservative, sounded like an old-fashion socialist to me".

1 comment:

Caz said...

Much hoo-ha over Rudd nicking the idea from Blair.

All quite silly, given that many countries, including the US and Canada, have already implemented this very thing.

Oh, not to mention some plucky little Aussie states!

The only astonishing thing is the coverage, all gushing as if this bleedin' obvious and old idea is newly minted from the mind of Rudd.

Truly, give me a break.
