Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Colebatch on the mining tax

Rudd In Fight Over 40% Mining Tax

Once again, a good, clear column by Tim Colebatch on the fight over a mining tax.

Meanwhile, Niki Savva makes a suggestion for Tony Abbott that makes a lot of sense to me: don't just resist all mining taxes; take up the miner's suggestion that they could afford to pay more tax and work out a deal with them.

But would Abbott be smart enough to do this?


Unknown said...

That's a pretty good article.

I think she's hit the nail on the head so to speak. Most mining companies would like a better system than what we have now, and it would make Abbot look good....

TimT said...

Maybe, but of course Labor would portray that as the Liberals being in cahoots with big business/miners and against the workers.

Steve said...

But Tim, it's easier to make that allegation if Abbott goes to the election resisting any change to mining tax. If he negotiated something, he could say "look, this is how a responsible government acts - in consultation first, before announcing a decision".

Trouble is, Abbott is not showing a lot of that style himself in the way he has been dealing with his own shadow cabinet.