Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Lay by plan not such a good idea

IVF WARNING: Expert tells single women to settle for Mr Not-Quite-Right

I didn't realise clinics were "targetting" this service:

Director of Monash IVF Professor Gab Kovacs said that women should not be fooled into thinking that freezing their eggs for social reasons offered a "guaranteed family in the fridge".
Fertility clinics have begun targeting their services to women in their 20s and 30s, but Professor Kovacs warned women that the success rate from egg freezing was low and that women couldn't rely on it later in life, Fairfax newspapers report.
"I think they should be working harder to find a partner or changing their criteria for Mr Right," Professor Kovacs said.
"Maybe there is no Mr Right and you have to settle for Mr Not-Too-Bad. There is no such thing as a perfect person for anybody, and even if they're perfect now, they won't be perfect in five or 10 years time."
Egg freezing costs between $10,000 and $14,000 per cycle is not covered by Medicare if done for non-medical reasons.
Of course, in the comments following there are a smattering of women saying "well, I only got married late and had my first child at 38, these concerns about infertility are overblown.  You hang out for the right man, girls!" which probably annoys fertility clinic doctors no end, because they actually know what the figures are.

(Personal disclosure: my wife and I came late to parenthood too, but still, I don't doubt that age related infertility is a major issue.)

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