Monday, April 28, 2014

So, being No 1 on the ticket wasn't why people voted LDP, hey?

I've been meaning to rub this in for a while.

The Liberal Democrat Party got a Senator (and one with a fairly high profile, as small party candidates go) in New South Wales when it got 9.5% of the vote.

Anyone inclined to argue that it was because people are warming to "small government" policies, and not because it ended up as effectively "first" on the ballot paper and had "Liberal" in its name never really had any credibility if one cared to look at the vote in the other States.

But given Leyonhjelm has had a fair bit of media exposure since his surprise win, how did the party fare in the Western Australian election?   Here we go:  1.82% of the vote, just beating the Australian Christians at 1.54%.

I think we can safely say there is no inherent electoral fondness for this party in Australia.

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