Saturday, September 23, 2017

Bashing Tony Abbott, and Tim Blair

Gee, if it weren't for the ABC and immature Lefties to complain about, Tim Blair would have trouble finding fodder for more than a couple of blog posts a week.  He's managed to get 4 posts out of the not terribly effective attack on Tony Abbott by the weirdo anarchist:  yes, the Left is crammed full of violent ratbags cheering on horrendous violence on the just and righteous Right, which doesn't have a violent bone in its body.

He seems to overlook that people mightn't feel all that much shame in finding this incident just a bit funny, because:

a.  it's not as if there was any sign of actual injury on Tone's face the next day - which isn't to say that the attempt to do him worse injury wasn't an action to condemn (as every politician from any side of politics immediately did) - but it did mean that the Tweeters that have stirred Blair weren't making fun of an incident that clearly cause the victim much pain.  One suspects that if it involved blood, stitches or a black eye, fewer people would be game to tweet in support of the attacker;

b.  the funniest thing - because it is so unexpected - is that a weird, scary looking assailant goes on TV, admits to the crime and indicates he regrets not doing a better job.    I mean, come on, he's an idiot.  Idiots acting out with no sense of what's in their best interest are pretty funny.

Anyway, what's become pathetic about Tim Blair (and this goes for Bolt too - in spades) is the pure unadulterated one sidedness of his chosen role - regardless of whether he was on holidays or not, not a word on his blog about the great visuals of a torch bearing march of (mainly) white dudes at Charlottesville, armed militia wandering the streets of the same town and worrying the local Synagogue, followed by a President who was mainly concerned about blaming "both sides"; but some twits on Twitter support an idiot who tried to head butt a politician here, and this is meant to show that the problem with political violence is all a Leftist one?

As I have noted many times, including yesterday, the pure Right threads of Catallaxy have for years had some regulars opining that its going to take an armed uprising to set things aright in this country, or the US.   Jokes are routinely made about how many people it would take to be shot to get small government and low taxes in place, and no one blinks an eye. 

Yeah, yeah, we get it Tim:   you can find hypocrisy and idiots on the Left side of politics.

Why don't you look at the morons and the objectionable comments they make your own side for once, instead of just standing by and making a buck by pandering to them?


not trampis said...

to paraphrase Roy and HG too much bashing of Abbott and Blair is not nearly enough

TimT said...

Nah Tim Blair is going on about wannabe thug Astro Labe because, like a schoolboy watching his mates duke it out in the schoolyard, he likes fights.

He's also a Yes voter and a (current) Labor voter, not so one sided as all that.

Steve said...

As for his being "yes" voter: his politics has always tended towards the libertarian, not Conservative, Right, so it doesn't surprise me. Bolt is playing a much more active sucking up to a conservative audience game, and I am not sure whether he has actually disclosed his own intended vote, but given his past great support of some gay guys who have come out, I would be surprised if he didn't end up a yes voter too.

Blair being a current Labor voter? I had missed that - you would have to explain the context. Is it like the conservatives of Catallaxy who want to see Turnbull punished for not being on side re climate change?

Steve said...

I see from a Catallaxy thread today that Bolt has already confirmed a Yes vote too. Not surprised.

Jason Soon said...

It's called cutting off your nose to spite your face. I'm betting that Blair being a Labor voter (where current Labor is retrograde class war Hugo Chavez style Labor) is solely because he doesn't like climate change and Turnbull. I'd have more regard for that position if he just voted Australian Conservatives instead of giving the PMship to Bill 'Chavez' Shorten

Steve said...

Bill "Chavez" Shorten.

I think I know why you are saying that, but still: calm down, Miranda.

TimT said...

Yes, deflected to Labor partly due to the Turnbull revolt.

He announced it cleverly, making posts critical of Turnbull for some time before announcing the change in his vote some time before the election.... so regular readers were hardly shocked and partisan tensions were somewhat defused.

Steve said...

About his blog more generally: with the new format, I usually can't be bothered clicking to read the detail in his arguments, and lots of people at Catallaxy made the same complaint about it (and about Bolt's slimmed down look too). I also think comments threads are also much shorter than they used to be.

Yet I think I did read some month's go a rather defensive sounding post in which he(TB) said his hit numbers are greater than they have ever been.

This seems odd to me - everything hints at his being considerably less widely read or influential than he used to be.

God knows he boringly obsesses about certain characters - J Greene in particular - but even today a somewhat childish gibe at Kathryn Murphy. Some of his targets deserve it - many, increasingly, don't. I wonder if it is a case of his resenting not being treated as a credible commentator by other journos, leading to a downwards spiral of increasingly petty snark against them.

For a guy who always wants to be seen a cheerful chap, I think he's become pretty bitchy.

Hoa Duy said...

hồ bơi trẻ emdoing his job admiring 'good' authority as he recognized it.

Jason Soon said...

is that you Homer? have you become even more incoherent than you already are with age?